Donald Egan, O.D., FAAO

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, KYCO and Professor of Optometry

  • Office: Health Professions Education Building, 501F
  • Telephone: (606) 218-5513
  • E-mail:

Basic Contact Lenses
Advanced Contact Lenses

B.S., O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry Philadelphia, PA|
B.S.,  St. John’s University Jamaica, NY

Poster: Global Specialty Lens Symposium (GSLS) – Comparison of Peripheral Refraction with Single Vision and Multifocal Center Distance Soft Contact Lenses, Frank Spors, Jie Shen, Dorcas K. Tsang, Angeline Ngo, Lance E. McNaughton, Donald J. Egan – Jan 2019

Poster: Global Specialty Lens Symposium (GSLS) – A Comparison of Manual Keratometry and Simulated Keratometry When Determining Central K- Readings, Frank Spors, Jie Shen, Dorcas K. Tsang, Lance E. McNaughton, Donald J. Egan – Jan 2019

Journal: Optical Rehabilitation of a Patient with Keratoconus and Nystagmus, D. Tsang, F. Spors, J. Shen, L. McNaughton, D. Egan, Med Hypothesis Discov Innov Ophthalmol 2018 Winter 7(4):183- 189.

Journal: In-Vivo Evaluation of Peripheral Refraction Changes with Single Vision and Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses. J. Shen, F. Spors, D. Tsang, L. McNaughton, D. Egan, Med Hypothesis Disco Innov Ophthalmol., 2018 Fall; 7(3): 112-118.

Journal: Design und Anpassung Formstabiler,Torischer Kontaklinsen – Eine Amerikanische Perspektive, Spors F, Tsang D, Wulf S, McNaughton LE, Egan DJ, Die Kontaktlinse, Volume 8, 2018, pp. 6-13, 2018.

Active licensure:
Kentucky, Massachusetts

Expanded Therapeutic Procedures/Laser Certification – KY
Glaucoma Certification – KY, CA, PA, MO
Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agent Certification – MA, MO, PA, CA, KY

Residency: Clinical Optometry with an Emphasis in Contact Lenses
University of Waterloo School of Optometry
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

My research and scholarly activities include the application and investigation of specialty contact lenses for healthy (regular) and abnormal (irregular) ocular conditions.
I am also part of a research group which includes investigators from multiple institutions and disciplines. as well as being an active member of the Association of Contact Lens Educators and International Society for Contact Lens Research.