University of Pikeville

Title IX 
147 Sycamore Street
Pikeville, Kentucky 41501
(606) 218-5344


Office of Title IX

Complaint Process

When the Office of Title IX receives an allegation of gender-based discrimination and/or sexual misconduct, a professional staff member who has received training in investigations initiates the investigative procedures outlined in the policy. A trained investigator serves as a neutral fact-finder in the process and the Title IX Coordinator oversees all investigations of alleged discrimination.

Typically an investigation includes a review of statements obtained from either party, interviews with both parties, interviews with witnesses and a review of relevant evidence. The reporting party and the respondent have the same opportunity to present witnesses and evidence to the investigator.

The Title IX Coordinator determines whether there is sufficient evidence to forward the matter to a hearing before the Sexual Misconduct Board. If a hearing is recommended, the Title IX Coordinator informs the parties as to which sexual and/or gender-based misconduct is alleged and educates the parties on the hearing process.

If the Title IX Coordinator determines there are no reasonable grounds to believe a violation occurred, the matter under this policy will be closed. However, the Title IX Coordinator may refer the complaint to another university office for resolution.


UPIKE recognizes that choosing to report an incident and deciding how to proceed after making the report can be a process that unfolds over time. Reports should be made promptly, but there is no time limitation on reporting. Reports of harassment or discrimination will be investigated in a manner that is prompt, adequate and impartial.

There are confidential and non-confidential reporting options available to all members of the campus community. Confidential resources include mental health counselors, health service providers, the campus nurse and the campus chaplain. Confidential means that what you share will not be communicated with anyone else, including the Title IX Coordinator.

Reporting parties have the choice to report to the Office of Title IX, to file a police report, to do both or to do neither. To file a police report and move forward with the criminal justice system, please contact the Pikeville City Police or UPIKE Public Safety. To report an incident to the Office of Title IX, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, any other faculty/staff member or submit the form linked below.