Writing Center Location & Hours
Armington Building – Room 450
Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Writing Across the Curriculum

Welcome to Writing at UPIKE!


WAC @ UPIKE commits to the idea that writing and composition is fundamental to engagement with learning and leading into the future. WAC seeks to transform the culture of writing at UPIKE to increase students’ critical thinking, engagement, and learning. WAC @ UPIKE recognizes that writing is situational, driven by context, and dependent on discipline-specific agreements on appropriate ways to communicate and belong in a field. WAC @ UPIKE believes that transforming writing at the university will yield more effective writers better positioned to lead in their lives and their chosen fields. To support this mission, WAC @ UPIKE commits to the following goals:

  • Serving students, recognizing their diverse experiences, knowledges, and goals, to better communicate — in digital, written, spoken, and multimodal environments.
  • Serving the university community, supporting faculty engagement, research, and exploration in better teaching the writing process
  • Serving the field, in sharing experiences and research to enhance the understanding, research, and teaching of writing.

In working towards these goals, WAC @ UPIKE invites the university to participate in developing and enacting a socially and intellectually just writing environment. 

WAC@UPIKE achieves its mission by:

  • Providing peer-based composition support and guidance through our Writing Center
  • Collaborating with faculty in their courses, service, and scholarship to improve writing instruction 
  • Collaborating with campus partners through specific cohorts and events
  • Assessing campus writing initiatives to understand effectiveness and opportunities for improvement

What We offer students: Writing Center @ UPIKE

The Writing Center @ UPIKE believes writing an indispensable part of the intellectual life of the university, a vital means of communication, and an essential tool for learning. We believe learning to write is an ongoing, life-long process. We believe that all writers, from first-year students to faculty and staff, benefit from collaboration on their work with thoughtful and respectful readers. 

Our philosophy of writing and its teaching is grounded in the understanding of writing as a process. We believe the most effective writing develops through a process of invention, drafting, and revision. Because we believe that all writers benefits from thoughtful response, we engage in dialogues with writers to help them develop their writing and become more effective and confident writers. We are not a drop-off editing service, but a place to ask questions and have conversations that will help writers understand how to strengthen their work. 

We serve all members of the university community through collaborative efforts to improve writing projects and develop abilities to become more effective writers. We provide one-on-one consultations, writing resources, and writing workshops. Our consultants work with any piece of writing, whether a specific assignment, professional or personal writings, collaborative, and multimedia projects. We are also committed to ongoing scholarly conversations about research and the teaching of writing. 

The Writing Center is dedicated to being a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment. We work to make the Center a place where writers are comfortable bringing diversity of experience and perspective found in the university community. We are committed to accommodating all writers and learning styles. We do not grade or evaluate the writing we see, and we do not communicate what happens in a consultation to instructors or university staff, except where mandated by law or regulation, without express permission of the student.

Writing Center Events
Coming Soon!

What We Offer Faculty: WAC@UPIKE

Writing Across the Curriculum at UPIKE understands that “learning to write is a complex process, both individual and social, that takes place over time with continued practice and informed guidance…Helping students demonstrate these outcomes requires expert understanding of how students actually learn to write” (CWPA, 2008). WAC@UPIKE therefore serves faculty and staff at our university through collaboration to support effective writing instruction. We understand that faculty are experts in writing in their disciplines, and as such are best suited to teach our students the ways of knowing and communicating in those fields. We offer our services in collaboration to share our knowledge in how students learn to write and obtain competence in the conventions of their majors. 

Our first year of service to UPIKE includes these services: 

  • Professional Development Workshops
  • One-on-one consultations and conversations regarding your writing instruction and materials 
  • Independent assignment material review 
  • Workshops and resources for teaching writing and providing feedback 
  • Class workshops 
  • Informational visits to your classes regarding the Writing Center

Faculty Services and Collaboration

Professional Development Sessions:
Signup and recordings

Faculty Surveys: Coming Soon! Check email for information.

Faculty Resources:

  • Writing Instruction Resources
  • Workshops

Service to the Field of Writing

In keeping with our professional identity and affiliations with Writing Across the Curriculum, Writing Studies, and Writing Program Administration, WAC@UPIKE maintains membership in relevant professional organizations, both individually and as an institution. We participate in conferences, workshops, research, and publication activities to enhance the knowledge and application of effective writing instruction and support. Lastly, we conduct regular assessment to better understand our strengths and opportunities, which allows us to be flexible and adaptable to our changing institutional and student needs. 

Writing Research at UPIKE

Students and faculty are invited to participate in research regarding writing and writing instruction, in accordance with institutional protocols and best practices. This section will be updated as our research agenda develops. 

Professional Memberships:

  • Council for Writing Program Administrators (individual) 
  • National Council for Teachers of English/College Composition and Communication (Individual) 
  • International Writing Center Association/Southern Writing Center Association (institutional) 
  • Global Society of Literacy Educators (institutional) 

Conferences and Events:

Check back here for conference dates and locations! 

WAC Events will be posted here as they are scheduled! 

Governance and Reporting

To promote accountability and transparency, this page details our governance and reporting structure. Program assessment reports are described; copies can be obtained by contacting Dr. Beth Topping at writing@upike.edu.  

The Director of WAC@UPIKE is Dr. Beth Topping. An advisory board of volunteers monitors and collaborates on programmatic initiatives, as well as providing disciplinary insight. The role of the Advisory Board is expected to evolve as the program evolves. Currently, the Advisory Board is being assembled and plans to meet twice a semester. 

Dr. Beth Topping reports to Dr. Jenna Steigerwalt of English and Dr. Sumer Musick of Humanities in her faculty role. She reports to Dr. Ella Smith-Justice of CAS in regards to WAC initiatives and funding. 


Assessment is a multi-faceted process that requires multiple data collected over time to provide a nuanced view of a program’s activities and effectiveness, as well as identify opportunities for growth. As WAC@UPIKE begins its first year, assessment will be conducted of current activities – usage of the Writing Center, professional development, faculty consultations, and specialized workshops. Reports will be available at the beginning of each semester for the period ending the prior term. These reports can be requested by contacting Dr. Beth Topping through email at writing@upike.edu. Information will be provided at faculty meetings once per semester. 

Report a concern.

Report a suggestion:

Give us your suggestions for enhancements, changes, and additions to our services 

Contact Information

Elizabeth Topping, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English

Telephone: (606) 218-5536
Email: writing@upike.edu