
Hashtags are used to group posts that are related to a common topic. They can be tapped or clicked to see other posts that are about the same topic. Many brands have a set of hashtags they use and encourage others to use on social media. The University of Pikeville uses #GoBears, #UPIKE and #UniversityOfPikeville as its official, general-use hashtags.

Other hashtags exist for more specific use cases, such as #UPIKEHC for Homecoming posts, #UPIKEGrads for the commencement ceremonies and #UPIKEAlumni for the alumni association. Be mindful of the hashtags you are using to ensure that your post is not associated with content that you did not intend.

The overuse of hashtags can appear spammy and will not improve your content’s performance. If you are replacing parts of sentences with a #Hashtag (as we’ve done in this sentence), make sure that you are only doing so when the hashtag is extremely relevant to the content. Take the use of hashtags in the following post as an example:

Also, make sure to capitalize the first letter of each word in hashtags that contain multiple words so that your content remains the most accessible.