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The vision for the College of Dental Medicine is to be known and respected for service, innovation, clinical excellence and interprofessional education.
We are practitioners of the healing arts defining the standard for excellence in optometric education and vision care.
Our D.O. medical school is nationally ranked and recognized for a reputation of excellence in rural medicine and family healthcare. UPIKE’s osteopathy program gives you a clear path to success in the medical field.
Explore our online undergraduate and graduate programs and learn more about earning your degree at UPIKE.
Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine 147 Sycamore Street Pikeville, Kentucky 41501 (606) 218-5978 kycomadmissions@upike.edu
KYCOM’s mission is to train primary care physicians, and as such, the curriculum has been designed around this goal. The preclinical curriculum (years one and two) is a well-balanced discipline-based design with a high degree of coordination among topics covered concurrently in ongoing classes. Basic science courses in years one and two include: Biochemistry, Cell Biology & Microanatomy, Gross Anatomy, Immunology, Physiology, Neuroscience, Nutrition, Microbiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology. Beyond the foundational basic science courses, first and second-year students are required to take clinical science courses in Principles of Osteopathic Medicine, Osteopathic Patient Care, and Biomedical Skills. A specific emphasis on the components of research and evidence-based medicine is included in the Osteopathic Patient Care courses. Additionally, students take courses in internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, surgery, and psychiatry in the second year.
All preclinical students take a two-year series of courses in Current Issues in Medicine. Specific topics such as the history of osteopathic medicine, physical and differential diagnosis, medical ethics, legal aspects of medicine, preventive medicine, public health, and radiology are covered within the scope of the classes listed above. Throughout the KYCOM preclinical curriculum, osteopathic philosophy and manipulative treatment, professionalism, interpersonal communication, systems-based practice, practice-based learning and improvement, and medical knowledge are embedded. Additionally, students have the opportunity to complete a Summer Research Fellowship in the summer between the first and second year, and there’s also clinical rotation time that can be devoted to research.
The current first- and second-year curriculum can be found in the Student Catalog.
During the third and fourth years at KYCOM, students complete clinical rotations at sites in Alabama, Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. The required Core Clinical Rotations include Family Medicine, General Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Women’s Health and Psychiatry. The required Selective Clinical Rotations consist of Emergency Medicine, Clinical Osteopathic Medicine and Women’s Health. During the third and fourth years, a total of 21 four-week rotation blocks have been provided to complete 80 weeks of rotation requirements, which include:
This schedule includes two weeks at the end of the third year devoted to clinical skills evaluation and a mandatory class meeting, plus four weeks of winter holiday breaks (two weeks per year, per KYCOM calendar).
Class of 2022 Clinical Rotations Manual
Class of 2023 Clinical Rotations Manual
Class of 2024 Clinical Rotations Manual
Third/Fourth-Year Student Catalog
At a faculty meeting preceding commencement, the Promotion and Matriculation Committee certifies to the faculty the names of those students eligible for the degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, contingent upon the successful completion of all academic, administrative and financial requirements of the college. The faculty will entertain a motion to approve the candidates and submit the list to the University of Pikeville Board of Trustees for approval.
A student who has fulfilled all of KYCOM’s requirements will be granted the degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. The student requirements for graduation from KYCOM are as follows: