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The vision for the College of Dental Medicine is to be known and respected for service, innovation, clinical excellence and interprofessional education.
We are practitioners of the healing arts defining the standard for excellence in optometric education and vision care.
Our D.O. medical school is nationally ranked and recognized for a reputation of excellence in rural medicine and family healthcare. UPIKE’s osteopathy program gives you a clear path to success in the medical field.
Explore our online undergraduate and graduate programs and learn more about earning your degree at UPIKE.
Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine 147 Sycamore Street Pikeville, Kentucky 41501 (606) 218-5288 kycomadmissions@upike.edu
At the end of the academic year, the Promotion & Matriculation Committee will evaluate student performance. This committee reviews all transcripts, records and reports to determine if the student has fulfilled all academic requirements, has maintained the standards of ethical, moral, personal and professional conduct required for the continued study of osteopathic medicine and is considered mentally and emotionally fit to become a physician. The Promotion & Matriculation Committee certifies the student’s eligibility for promotion to the succeeding year.
At a faculty meeting preceding commencement, the Promotion & Matriculation Committee certifies to the faculty the names of those students eligible for the degree Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, contingent upon the successful completion of all academic, professional and financial requirements of KYCOM. The faculty will entertain a motion to approve the candidates and submit the list to the board for approval.
Students are considered for promotion one academic year at a time. Eligibility for promotion to the next higher academic year or to start clinical rotations is determined by the student’s successful completion of the appropriate academic, professional and financial requirements of KYCOM. The Promotion & Matriculation Committee also considers reports concerning attendance, conduct and potential professional attributes. Students with failures or incompletes are not eligible for promotion.
KYCOM, upon the recommendation of the Promotion & Matriculation Committee and action of the Dean, reserves the right to require at any time that a student be placed on probation or be suspended who has failed to maintain acceptable standards of academic performance as specified in the KYCOM Student Handbook. Probation or suspension may also be required by KYCOM for any student who fails to maintain ethical, moral, personal or professional conduct; or who fails to abide by KYCOM policies, rules and regulations or has failed to fulfill legal or financial obligations; or is considered to be mentally or emotionally unfit or impaired.
There are two semesters and a summer term in an academic year. Students are evaluated on the basis of their performance on assignments as well as on their achievements on regularly scheduled written and practical examinations. The results of the examinations, along with reports concerning attendance, conduct and potential professional attributes, are considered by the Promotion & Matriculation Committee as they determine eligibility for promotion or graduation.
70 percent is the minimum acceptable passing percentage grade. Below 70 percent will be considered failing. Incompletes due to the fault of the student may be made up with no percentage grade above 70 percent. Incompletes, under extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control, may be made up with a percentage grade of 70 percent or better.
The results of examinations and reports concerning attendance, conduct and potential professional attributes are submitted to the Promotion & Matriculation Committee by the Office of Student Affairs. The committee determines the student’s eligibility for promotion or graduation.
A student whose cumulative percentage grade average falls below 70 percent at the close of any term is automatically on probation the following term. This average is only one criterion for academic probationary status. The Promotion & Matriculation Committee may recommend probationary status even though a student’s average is 70 percent or higher. A student who has been placed on probation is precluded from active participation in KYCOM-sponsored extracurricular events or organizations, and may not hold the position of class officer or club officer. The record of each student will be reviewed after each testing period. At the end of the academic year, the Promotion & Matriculation Committee may recommend promotion to the following year, repetition of the year just completed, repetition of specific courses, makeup examinations or summer courses or dismissal.
Students must remediate all failures and/or incompletes (F’s or INC’s) prior to beginning the next higher year. The student is on probation until the failures and/or incompletes are successfully remedied in a timely manner. A student who has a failure or an incomplete on his or her record, regardless of his or her grade-point average, must receive prior approval of the Promotion & Matriculation Committee before making arrangements with the appropriate department chair for a remedial course or examination to remove the failure or incomplete.
A student who has an incomplete (INC) on his or her record due to an excused absence may make arrangements with the appropriate department chair without prior approval of the committee.
Upon the recommendation of the committee, failures may be removed by passing a remedial course or examination at KYCOM, or by earning a 70 percent grade or better at another college acceptable to the appropriate department chair and with the concurrence of the appropriate Associate Dean and the Dean.