Why Major in Biomedical Sciences?

Students majoring in biomedical sciences will feel prepared to go onto medical school, optometry school and other medical or health related graduate programs. Classes are focused on the education needed to pursue your desired medical career. Students will also leave feeling prepared for the various entrance exams needed for graduate-level study.

students in biology are drawing molecules on the board

Program Distinctives

The biomedical science major integrates the core elements of chemistry and biology and is designed to prepare students for careers in the health professions. Graduates of the BMS major will have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to pursue advanced study in any biomedical discipline, including medicine, dentistry, physician assistant, optometry and pharmacy, and graduate degrees in health and science-related fields.

students outside working on group project for biology class

Interesting Courses

student pouring liquid into test tube

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will leave feeling prepared for the various entrance exams needed for graduate-level study.

UPIKE Coal Building

A Path to Your Profession

Interested in a career as a physician?
With the Osteopathic Medical Scholars Program, you can qualify for an eight-year program (4 + 4) leading to a bachelor’s degree and a D.O. degree.

Career paths in Biomedical Sciences

Physician Assistant
Health Science Research


Phillip Jen, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology
(606) 218-5479