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A degree in criminal justice from UPIKE will prepare you for a career in exciting professions ranging from forensic investigations to probation and parole. UPIKE’s criminal justice program emphasizes practical applications, procedures and theoretical concepts to prepare you for an ever-changing field. The criminal justice professors at UPIKE use current events in society to help you understand and build knowledge of the criminal justice system.
The criminal justice major at UPIKE integrates practical applications and theory-based learning to provide a well-rounded knowledge of the criminal justice field. As a student, you will learn to adapt theory in real-world applications to provide solutions for problems in the criminal justice system. . The practical application courses are designed to show students investigative techniques criminal investigators follow to evaluate and analyze different types of crime scenes. Students are also engaged in the legal system with mock courtroom settings and legal proceedings, which are insightful experiences for those interested in pursuing a law degree Internship programs are also available and not only allows students to gain experience, but also to make valuable connections in the workplace.
CJ 273 Police Practices and Procedures This course covers the day-to-day operations of police officers and the communities they serve. Community policing, drug enforcement investigations, international crime and the history of policing are examined. CJ 375 Investigative Functions in Law Students are immersed in investigative techniques used by crime scene investigators. This course teaches students how to process and analyze evidence from several mock crime scenes and leads to the understanding of what constitutes probable cause.
Upon completion of this degree, you’ll have an understanding of why crime occurs and how the criminal mind works. UPIKE’s criminal justice program is designed to educate students for leadership positions in the field of criminal justice. This field will prepare you for a variety of professional settings, including law enforcement, correctional case management, correctional education, chemical dependency and substance abuse counseling, victim-offender mediation and alternative dispute resolution and pre-law. Employment is often found in government, the private sector, universities and nonprofit organizations. Government is the largest employer in the criminal justice field, with approximately 50 percent employed at the local level. The field of criminal justice is constantly changing to meet the new demands of a changing society. Employment opportunities are expected to increase faster than average compared to other occupations.
Earn your bachelor or associate degree in a variety of learning options. 3-year degree track | Face-to-face or Hybrid (both online and face-to-face courses)
Attorney Correctional Officer Court Officer Crime Scene Investigator Domestic Violence Counselor Federal Law Enforcement Officer Forensic Evidence Technician Judge Legal Assistant/Paralegal Police Officer Private Investigator Probation and Parole Officer Statistical Research Analyst
East Kentucky Correctional Complex East Tennessee State University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Liberty University Pike County Detention Center Pike County Sheriff’s Deputy Pikeville Police Department Louisville Metro Police South Carolina Highway Patrol University of Pikeville Public Safety
Learn more about Criminal Justice graduates
“As society continues to grow, so does the need for careers in criminal justice and the understanding of how and why criminal behavior occurs. Criminal justice classes at the University of Pikeville are taught by knowledgeable faculty who bring their real-world perspective to the classroom. Whether you are interested in careers in criminal justice, crime prevention, child behavior problems, or juvenile delinquency, this degree is extremely valuable. The program stresses interdisciplinary study of criminal justice in America.” ASHLEY COOK /CLASS OF 2017 /CORRECTIONS OFFICER /PIKE COUNTY DETENTION CENTER/ PIKEVILLE, KY
“As society continues to grow, so does the need for careers in criminal justice and the understanding of how and why criminal behavior occurs. Criminal justice classes at the University of Pikeville are taught by knowledgeable faculty who bring their real-world perspective to the classroom. Whether you are interested in careers in criminal justice, crime prevention, child behavior problems, or juvenile delinquency, this degree is extremely valuable. The program stresses interdisciplinary study of criminal justice in America.”
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice(606) 218-5022TimothyRoberts@upike.edu
Q: What percent of students who declare this major successfully complete/are still enrolled in the program?
A: 61%
Q: What percent of students complete the program within 4 years?
A: 65%
Q: What percent of graduates are working/in graduate school 1 year after graduation?
A: 90%
Q: What percent of graduates are employed in Kentucky 5 years after graduation?
A: 44%
Q: What salary can a graduate expect to earn in Kentucky 5 years after graduation?
A: $40,409
Q: What is the median loan debt for students completing this program?
A: $20,045
Q: What percent of a graduate’s monthly salary will be used to repay his/her loan?
A: 6.86%