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The vision for the College of Dental Medicine is to be known and respected for service, innovation, clinical excellence and interprofessional education.
We are practitioners of the healing arts defining the standard for excellence in optometric education and vision care.
Our D.O. medical school is nationally ranked and recognized for a reputation of excellence in rural medicine and family healthcare. UPIKE’s osteopathy program gives you a clear path to success in the medical field.
Explore our online undergraduate and graduate programs and learn more about earning your degree at UPIKE.
Pursuing your education to become a healthcare manager or administrator can lead to a lucrative and highly-rewarding career. The aging U.S. population and revisions in the nation’s healthcare system are leading to expanded career opportunities in healthcare management. Data released from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate 32 percent growth in the profession expected from 2019 to 2029.
As a Business Administration-Healthcare Management major, UPIKE will prepare you to enter a competitive job market by completing a semester-long internship. The internship, combined with coursework, will ensure that you graduate with hands-on experience in a healthcare facility such as a hospital, clinic, long-term care facility or nursing home.
BUS 371 Ethical Issues in Healthcare Management The course will examine moral reasoning and ethics as they pertain to the healthcare industry. Written codes of ethics will be examined. The obligation to patients, the community, associates and employing organization will be considered. BUS 381 Healthcare Reimbursement Systems This course provides an in-depth analysis of healthcare reimbursement systems; health insurance fraud and abuse; and procedures for patient accounting and cash flow forecasting. BUS 461 Healthcare Policy This course addresses the relationship between the politics of healthcare and the health policymaking process within the context of historical, economic, cultural and political environments. The roles and responsibilities of government, consumers, special interest groups and healthcare providers will be discussed and analyzed.
After completing the UPIKE healthcare management degree, you’ll understand how the healthcare delivery system functions in the U.S.; explain laws and regulations that impact healthcare organizations; identify participants in the healthcare system and describe their roles and responsibilities and trends affecting them; analyze the impact of local, state and national politics and economics on the healthcare delivery system and healthcare organizations; analyze major ethical issues affecting healthcare organizations; evaluate the roles, responsibilities and functions of services within healthcare organizations; analyze institutional structure and behavior of healthcare organizations; and conduct day-to-day organizational activities. You’ll also possess knowledge of strategic planning, effective decision making and healthcare financial management.
Business Manager Facilities Manager Healthcare Manager Hospital Administrator Insurance Professional Long-Term Care Manager Nursing Home Administrator Purchasing Agent
University of Pikeville, Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine Anthem, Inc. Appalachian Regional Healthcare Big Sandy Health Care, Inc. Pikeville Medical Center
Learn more about Business Administration graduates
“UPIKE prepared me for gainful employment in the healthcare industry by understanding the insights of different health related organizations and how they operate. Including hospitals, clinics, health insurance and communities. I learned how each of these are linked together in order to make our society and communities productive and thrive. UPIKE prepared me to not only further my career within business administration but also the healthcare field. The experiences and knowledge I gained through this program has set me apart from others. Healthcare is all around us and always will be.” JAMIE WHITAKER /CLASS OF 2018 /Community Relations Representative /ANTHEM, INC
“UPIKE prepared me for gainful employment in the healthcare industry by understanding the insights of different health related organizations and how they operate. Including hospitals, clinics, health insurance and communities. I learned how each of these are linked together in order to make our society and communities productive and thrive. UPIKE prepared me to not only further my career within business administration but also the healthcare field. The experiences and knowledge I gained through this program has set me apart from others. Healthcare is all around us and always will be.”
JAMIE WHITAKER /CLASS OF 2018 /Community Relations Representative /ANTHEM, INC
Dean, Coleman College of Business(606) 218-5517christopherharris@upike.edu
Q: What percent of students who declare this major successfully complete/are still enrolled in the program?
A: 56%
Q: What percent of students complete the program within 4 years?
A: 65%
Q: What percent of graduates are working/in graduate school 1 year after graduation?
A: 86%
Q: What percent of graduates are employed in Kentucky 5 years after graduation?
A: 45%
Q: What salary can a graduate expect to earn in Kentucky 5 years after graduation?
A: $43,595
Q: What percent of a graduate’s monthly salary will be used to repay his/her loan?
A: 13.80%