The most commonly awarded scholarships are service commitment scholarships and specific state scholarships based on residency status. The Office of Student Financial Services maintains a list of  KYCOM scholarship opportunities. Please note that if a student signs a service commitment scholarship while enrolled, he or she may not be able to participate in certain state or federal loan repayment programs after graduation. To be eligible to participate in most loan repayment programs, prior commitments must be fulfilled by service or repayment plan.

Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students

25/26 Application and Deadline coming soon

Contingent upon available funding, KYCOM will be awarding Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS). The federal program assists with the cost of tuition and other reasonable educational expenses. Students must be considered disadvantaged, either economically and/or educationally/environmentally, to qualify. SDS awards will be applied to the fall and spring terms and will cover at least one half of the annual tuition amount up to $30,000 per year. No financial aid awards may exceed the student’s cost of attendance at KYCOM. For more information, please see below:


Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) Fact Sheet

The Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine (KYCOM) will be awarding funds from the Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students Program (SDS) contingent upon available funding. This is a federal program designed to assist with the cost of tuition and other reasonable educational expenses. Students must be considered disadvantaged, either economically and/or educationally/environmentally. SDS awards will be applied to the fall and spring terms. SDS awards will cover at least one half of the annual tuition amount up to $30,000 per year. No financial aid awards may exceed the student’s cost of attendance at KYCOM.


Students must be U.S. citizens, enrolled full-time, in good academic standing, come from a disadvantaged background, and have a severe financial need for funding.


A student applicant must be a citizen or national of the United States, or a lawful permanent resident of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of Micronesia.

A student who remains in this country on a student or visitor’s visa is not eligible. When necessary, documentation of citizenship must be provided.

Disadvantaged Student Status – Eligibility
An Educationally or Environmentally Disadvantaged student is an individual who comes from an environment that has inhibited the individual from obtaining the knowledge, skills and abilities required to enroll in and graduate from a health professions school or a program providing education or training in an allied health profession.

To be identified as educationally or environmentally disadvantaged, KYCOM will consider applicants who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school with low SAT scores based on the most recent data available.
  2. The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school from which, based on most recent data available:
      a. A low percentage of seniors receive a high school diploma; or
      b. A low percentage of graduates go to college during the first year after graduation.
  3. The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school with low per capita funding.
  4. The individual graduated from (or last attended) a high school at which, based on the most recent data available, many of theenrolled students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches.
  5. The individual comes from a family that receives public assistance (e.g., Aid to Families with Dependent Children, SNAP, Medicaid,public housing).
  6. First-generation in the family to attend college.


An Economically Disadvantaged student is an individual that comes from a family with an annual income below a level based on low- income thresholds according to family size published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, adjusted annually for changes in the Consumer Price Index, and adjusted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for use in health professions and nursing programs.

The parental income will be used to determine a student’s eligibility for disadvantaged in all cases except in those cases where the student is considered independent by being at least 24-years-old and has not been listed as a dependent on his or her parents’ income tax for three or more years. In those cases, the student’s family income will be used instead of parental family income.

Students must submit three years of their and their parents’ Federal tax returns and/or statements from the IRS that he or she was not required to file taxes. Students must also report their own, spouse’s, and/or parents’ assets and other resources, such as trust funds or family member support.

For economically disadvantaged low-income thresholds, use 200 percent of the Department of Health and Human Services guidelines found at

Financial Need

Student applicants must be in need of financial assistance to be awarded. Preference is given to students for whom the cost of attendance would constitute a severe hardship.

Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at The parental income will be used to determine a student’s eligibility for financial need in all cases except when the student is considered independent by being at least 24-years-old and has not been listed as a dependent on parents’ federal income tax for three or more years. Dependent applicants must complete the “parental income section” on the FAFSA. Independent students will include the student’s family income instead of the parental family.

To update the FAFSA go to

Additional Requirements

Student must provide proof of age. A birth certificate or driver’s license will be acceptable. Student must be enrolled full-time.
Student must be in good academic standing.

Application deadlines and requirements

The deadline to apply is July 3, 2023, at 5 p.m. Incomplete applications and forms will not be processed. Completed packets may be mailed or dropped off in the Financial Aid Office. Packets will not be accepted through email. The Financial Aid Office is not responsible for notifying students of missing information. Individual documents will not be accepted, only complete packets.

Students are encouraged to file their applications as soon as possible before the set deadline. Please note that awards are limited and disbursed according to eligibility and availability of funding to the university.

Scholarship Listing



    • A. B. Morrill Fund Applicants must be from the Southern Mountain District (as defined by the foundation) with plans to return to the area to practice medicine.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.


    • Alabama Osteopathic Medical Association
      Applicant should be from Alabama and must indicate in writing their intention to practice medicine in Alabama following completion of their residency training. Applicant must have successfully completed their first year of training and in good standing with an AOA-accredited medical school.Alabama Osteopathic Medical Association
      Russell Ulrich, DO, Secretary-Treasurer
      800 West Memorial Drive
      P.O. Box 450
      Piedmont, AL 36272
      Alabama Osteopathic Medical Association



    • Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation
      Consideration is given to residents of the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) and those who have lived, worked or attended Pacific Northwest institutions of higher education. For questions, call (503) 222-7161 or email



    • Arkansas Department of Higher Education Grant
      ARHEG provides financial assistance to students seeking professional training in chiropractic medicine, dentistry, optometry, osteopathic medicine, podiatric medicine, and veterinary medicine to allow them to attend out-of-state institutions.ARHEG Coordinator
      Arkansas Department of Higher Education

      423 Main Street, Suite 400
      Little Rock, AR 72201-3818
      Phone: 1-800-54-STUDY or (501) 371-2000



    • Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation
      The Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation is proud to award up to five $10,000 scholarships to students entering their third year at an AOA accredited College of Osteopathic Medicine. These scholarships are renewed automatically for $10,000 each for the fourth year as long as the students are in good standing with their College of Osteopathic Medicine. Scholarships are for tuition. In addition, the Walter S. Strode, D.O. Memorial Scholarship has been established. For more information visit the foundation’s website at Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation; potential applicants may also call the Foundation office at (719) 635-9057 or email the office at


    • Denver Osteopathic Foundation
      Scholarships are offered to third- and fourth-year students with consideration given to residents of Colorado.For questions regarding the Scholarship Application, please contact Julie Collett, Executive Director: Phone: (303) 996-1140 or e-mail: director@dofound.orgDenver Osteopathic Foundation



    • Waterbury Medical Association
      Applicants must be a resident of Connecticut for five years and currently be enrolled in medical school. Students demonstrating financial need, academic excellence, extracurricular interest and community service, will be strongly considered.More information and applications are available in the KYCOM Student Affairs Office.



    • A. B. Morrill Fund Applicants must be from the Southern Mountain District (as defined by the foundation) with plans to return to the area to practice medicine.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.



    • Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation
      Consideration is given to residents of the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) and those who have lived, worked or attended Pacific Northwest institutions of higher education. For questions, call (503) 222-7161 or email



    • Motyka Dannin Foundation Scholarship
      Qualifications for the Forgivable Loan:

      • Be an Indiana resident who is attending an osteopathic medical school in the United States *OR* a student of the Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine (MU-COM);
      • Be a member of the Indiana Osteopathic Association;
      • Be enrolled as a second or third year medical student in good standing;
      • Present two letters of recommendation;
      • Submit an application that includes an essay and list of accomplishments;
      • Intend to practice in Indiana following completion of a residency in family medicine, osteopathic manipulative medicine, general internal medicine, general surgery, psychiatry, general pediatrics, or obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) for not less than 24 months.

      Please contact Tabitha Arnett, Indiana Osteopathic Association (IOA) Executive Director, at (317) 926-3009. Return completed application and accompanying documents to: Motyka Dannin Osteopathic Educational Foundation, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Evans Center, Suite 107, Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997, or email it to


    • Osteopathic Medical Foundation of Michiana
      Three types of scholarships are available to support West Michigan medical students who are pursuing training in osteopathic colleges and osteopathic residents who practice in the greater Muskegon area. The goal of the program is to encourage physicians to return to the area, build their practices, and contribute to the long-term health of the community.
      For more information, contact Osteopathic Foundation of West Michigan, 800 E. Ellis Road, Box 519, Norton Shores, MI 49441, call (231) 720-0288 or
      For more information, visit Osteopathic Medical Foundation of Michiana.



    • Kansas Osteopathic Medical Service Scholarship
      This program is designed to encourage primary care physicians to establish practices in rural areas of Kansas. Recipients receive $15,000 per year for up to four years of study at nationally accredited osteopathic schools. Preference goes to first-year students. Recipients return one year of practice for each year of assistance. Applicants must complete a program application and the designated financial aid application.
      For more information contact Kansas Board of Regents, 1000 SW Jackson St, Suite 520, Topeka, KS 66612-1368 or call (785) 430-4255.



  • A. B. Morrill Fund Applicants must be from the Southern Mountain District (as defined by the foundation) with plans to return to the area to practice medicine.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.
  • Kentucky State Loan Repayment Program
    Since 2003, the Kentucky State Loan Repayment Program (KSLRP) has served as a recruitment and retention tool to reduce health workforce shortages in rural and underserved locations throughout the state. Applicants selected to participate in the competitive program are required to commit to working full time for two years, providing primary care services at an eligible site in the state. Participants receive tax-free student loan repayment in exchange for their service commitment.For more information: Visit the KSLRP website at, or, Contact Michael McGill at 606-439-3557 (ext. 83518) or


  • Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship
    This scholarship is available to all Kentucky residents. The scholarship equalizes tuition between KYCOM and the state medical schools. By signing the scholarship contract, the student is agreeing to practice primary care in Kentucky one year for every year the scholarship money is received. There will be a penalty for failing to comply with the contract.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.Deadline: July 1 for entering students, May 1 for returning students.
  • Pike Country Rescue Squad Scholarship
    This endowed scholarship is limited to students from Pike, Floyd, Knott, Letcher, Johnson, Martin, or Lawrence counties. The scholarship gives preference to students with demonstrated financial need. The Selection Committee will also consider the student’s academic performance and achievement with regard to the KYCOM mission. For more information and application contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.
  • Pike County Medical Society Scholarship
    This scholarship is for students from Pike County who have a specific interest in health care, including Medicine (MD, DO, PA), Nursing (RN, BSN), Pharmacy, Dentistry and Optometry, and any other healthcare fields approved by the University.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.


    • Berkshire District Medical Society
      The Scholarship Committee of the Berkshire District Medical Society awards interest-free loans on an annual basis to residents of Berkshire County, Mass.
      For more information, contact Berkshire District Medical Society, c/o Susan Poulin, 20 Walnut Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 Attention: Scholarship Committee.


    • Worcester District Medial Society
      Scholarships are available to 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year medical students. Must be a legal resident of Central Massachusetts at the time of applying to medical school and currently attending an accredited medical or osteopathic school.


    • Massachusetts Medical Society
      Essex South District Medical Society Medical Student Scholarship Program
      To assist in funding the medical education of a student from an Essex South city or town. Must have been a resident in an Essex South community for at least 5 years prior to college, with a desire to return and practice in this area.



    • Osteopathic Medical Foundation of Michiana
      Three types of scholarships are available to support West Michigan medical students who are pursuing training in osteopathic colleges and osteopathic residents who practice in the greater Muskegon area. The goal of the program is to encourage physicians to return to the area, build their practices, and contribute to the long-term health of the community.
      For more information, contact Osteopathic Foundation of West Michigan, 800 E. Ellis Road, Box 519, Norton Shores, MI 49441, call (231) 720-0288 or
      For more information, visit



    • Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation
      Consideration is given to residents of the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) and those who have lived, worked or attended Pacific Northwest institutions of higher education. For questions, call (503) 222-7161 or email


New Jersey

  • Lapsley Memorial Scholarship
    Applicants must be from New Jersey and reside in specific towns of Union, Somerset, and Middlesex Counties. Application deadline is May 1.
  • Howard G. Lapsley Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Applicants must have been raised (attended or eligible to attend elementary or secondary school) in one of these communities: Union, Somerset, and Middlesex Counties. Application deadline is May 1.

New York

    • Western New York Osteopathic Medical Society
      Eligibility: Osteopathic medical student in their fourth year of matriculation that have either resided in Western New York greater than four years or who have done clinical rotations in Western New York.Annually, there will be two scholarships available in the amount of $500 each. For more information contact Michael Pusatier, D.O. at (716) 877-3007.


North Carolina

    • A. B. Morrill Fund
      Applicants must be from the Southern Mountain District (as defined by the foundation) with plans to return to the area to practice medicine.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.



    • Oklahoma Education Foundation for Osteopathic Medicine
      The OEFOM endowed student scholarship program gives Oklahoma osteopathic medical students financial assistance with their osteopathic training. Preference will be shown to applicants who have completed two years of osteopathic medical training and who indicate a desire to practice in Oklahoma. For more information, contact OEFOM, 4848 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3335.



    • Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation
      Consideration is given to residents of the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) and those who have lived, worked or attended Pacific Northwest institutions of higher education. For questions, call (503) 222-7161 or email



    • A. Archie Feinstein
      Available to Pennsylvania residents (Prior to entering osteopathic medical school) who will be entering their third or fourth year of any college of osteopathic medicine in the U.S.


    • Alfred A. Grilli
      Available to Western Pennsylvania residents (prior to entering osteopathic medical school) who will be entering the last year of any college of osteopathic medicine in the U.S.


  • District 8
    Scholarships are available to Pennsylvania residents (prior to entering osteopathic medical school) of District 8 of the POMA who will be entering the third or fourth year of any college of osteopathic medicine. District 8 counties are: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland.


South Carolina

    • A. B. Morrill Fund Applicants must be from the Southern Mountain District (as defined by the foundation) with plans to return to the area to practice medicine.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.



    • A. B. Morrill Fund
      Applicants must be from the Southern Mountain District (as defined by the foundation) with plans to return to the area to practice medicine.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.


    • Health Focus of Southwest Virginia
      Applicants must a Virginia resident and be enrolled in a medical program to be eligible.For more information call (540) 774-4022 Ext. 202.



    • Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation
      Consideration is given to residents of the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) and those who have lived, worked or attended Pacific Northwest institutions of higher education. For questions, call (503) 222-7161 or email


    • Washington Osteopathic Foundation, Inc.
      Loans and scholarships are offered. Applicant must be a student member of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association. If you would like to apply, please contact Jodi Perlmutter by phone (425) 677-3930 or email to determine availability.Scholarships:
      Students must have completed two years of osteopathic training in any of the legally accredited schools of osteopathic medicine or surgery to apply for the scholarship. Applicant must be a student member of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association. For more information contact, Washington Osteopathic Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 16486, Seattle, WA 98116-6529 or call (206) 937-5358.


West Virginia

    • A. B. Morrill Fund
      Applicants must be from the Southern Mountain District (as defined by the foundation) with plans to return to the area to practice medicine.For more information and applications, contact Teresa L. Jones, KYCOM Student Affairs Office.
Military Scholarship Opportunities
  • U.S. Air Force Health Professions Scholarship
    The Air Force has four- and three-year medical school scholarships. The scholarship will pay for tuition, all required books, and fees. Recipients will also receive a monthly living stipend of $ 2,157.30. Selected applicants may receive a $20,000 sign-on bonus in addition to the scholarship. For more information, contact a health professions recruiter at (615) 885-9670 or visit Air Force Health Professions
  • U.S. Army Medical Department The F. Edward Hébert Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) is offered by the U.S. Army and one of the most generous and comprehensive scholarships available in health care today.If you want to become a physician, dentist, veterinarian, optometrist, clinical or counseling psychologist, family nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse practitioner or certified registered nurse anesthetist and qualify, you could earn a full-tuition scholarship, plus a monthly stipend of more than $2,000, and in some cases, a sign-on bonus of $20,000.If you are planning a career in health care or are currently enrolled in a graduate health care program, it pays to look into the Army’s HPSPnow more than ever before. It provides benefits while you’re in school and benefits after you graduate.For more information, contact the U.S. Army Health Care Recruiting Center at 410-660-9931 or e-mail You can also visit U.S. Army Health Care Recruiting
  • U.S. Navy Scholarship
    This scholarship will pay for tuition and all required fees. You will also receive a monthly allowance for living expenses.For more information contact a health professions recruiter or visit U.S. Navy Scholarship.



Miscellaneous Scholarship Opportunities
    • Native Forward
      Native Forward offers more than 20 scholarships and fellowships that fund undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees.For more information, visit Native American Center
    • Indian Health Service Professions Scholarship Program
      The Health Professions scholarship provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate- and graduate-level students. Recipients must be members of federally recognized Tribes and enrolled in an eligible health profession degree program. In exchange for financial aid, scholarship recipients agree to fulfill a service commitment in full-time clinical practice upon completion of their academic or post-graduate clinical training.For further information visit Indian Health Service Professions Scholarship


    • American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM)AACOM serves osteopathic medical students in a number of ways including financial assistance. For information regarding student aid, loans, and scholarships, view the Financial Aid and Scholarships page at



Bay Regional Medical Center
For fourth-year medical students interested in Family Practice, OB, Peds, or Internal Medicine. BRMC is offering a $100,000 grant program to qualified fourth year medical students. Recipient must be a U.S. Citizen.

    • National Health Service Corps Scholarship
      The National Health Service Corps scholarship pays tuition, required fees, and other reasonable education costs, and monthly living stipend. For more information, visit