About DPS


Office of Assistant Dean of Student Affairs- The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs is the senior administrator over all Public Safety operations.

Office of Director of Public Safety- The Director of Public Safety assists the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs in the leadership and management of the staff within the Department of Public Safety, budget issues, and holds primary responsibility over the Operations functions assigned to Patrol, Investigations, Administrative Operations (Training, Internal Affairs, Recruitment, Community Outreach, Clery Compliance/Records, Fleet, Equipment), and Special Details. This position is responsible for administrative and supervisory duties involving state and federal regulations and institutional rules and policies in order to provide for the protection, safety, and welfare of students, employees, and property within the areas under the control and authorized jurisdiction of the agency.


Main Campus-  

UPIKE Dept. of Public Safety Headquarters
Condit Hall Lower Level 125 Sycamore St Pikeville, Ky
Office: 606-218-5940
Officer on duty: 606-477-0262

Lower Campus-

UPIKE Dept. of Public Safety Stations 2
Bears Tower Lobby 849 Hambley Blvd Pikeville, Ky
Office: 606-218-5940
Officer on duty: 606-477-0262

Command Staff:

Chris Robinson
Asst Dean of Student Affairs
Office: 606-218-5945
Cell: 606-794-2116
Lee Upchurch
Office: 606-218-
Cell: 606-424-3431
Terry Wallace
Patrol Lieutenant/ Training Coordinator 
Office: 606-218-5940
Shannon Jarrell
Admin Lieutenant/ Safety Coordinator 
Office: 606-218-5940

Full Staff:

Lee Upchurch
Office: 606-218-
Cell: 606-424-3431
Terry Wallace
Patrol Lieutenant/ Training Coordinator 
Office: 606-218-5940
Shannon Jarrell
Admin Lieutenant/ Safety Coordinator 
Office: 606-218-5940
Mack Gibson
Officer Level II
Office: 606-218-5940
Dalton Little
Officer Level II
Office: 606-218-5940
Billy Lester
Officer Level II
Office: 606-218-5940
Josh Kelly
Volunteer Investigator/ALICE instructor
Office: 606-218-5227

Certified Instructors:

Back Left: Lee Upchurch- ALICE Instructor, Back Center: Terry Wallace- ALICE, RAD, CPR, First Aid, AED, TASER, Back Right: Chris Robinson- ALICE, less than Lethal shotgun, OC, ASP Baton, TASER, Pepper Ball, Public Order Riot Control, Law Enforcement Response to Active Shooter.
Not Pictured: Josh Kelly- ALICE

Leadership Team:

Front Left to Right: LT Shannon Jarrell, Asst Provost Thys Meyer, Investigator Luke Kopp. Back Left to Right: CPL Nate Reed, LT Terry Wallace, Director Lee Upchurch, Asst Dean Chris Robinson.  Not Pictured: Investigator Josh Kelly