Break Closing

The residence halls at the University of Pikeville close during winter break and summer. During residence hall closures, all students (unless given prior permission from the Director of Residence Life) must vacate the residence halls and complete the following closing procedures:

  • Close blinds
  • Close and lock windows
  • Empty all trash
  • Lock bedroom AND suite door
  • Open, empty, and clean refrigerators (unplug and defrost personal refrigerators for winter break only)
  • Set air conditioner/heater to 68°F on HEAT and AUTO settings
  • Turn off all lights
  • Unplug all items
  • Wash any dirty dishes and laundry

Residence hall staff will be completing health and safety inspections of all rooms to ensure the above procedures are completed. All residents of the suite share responsibility for common area tasks.  Failure to complete the above procedures may result in an improper break check-out charge of $50.

Students wishing to stay on campus during the breaks may request to do so through the Office of Residence Life via the CampusGroups portal. Information regarding breaks will be sent two weeks in advance to the residential community with detailed instructions.  Shuttle Information can be found in the Office of Residence Life, located on the Ground Floor of the Administration Building, or you can contact our office via email at to obtain the latest information for dates and times for the shuttle schedule.

End of the Academic Year Closing

  • At the end of each spring semester, the residence halls close for the summer. During this time, there are responsibilities each resident must complete in order to properly check out.  Information regarding the End of the Academic Year Closing will be sent two weeks in advance to the residential community with detailed instructions.  Please attend your floor meeting for more information.  There are specific procedures to follow to ensure you have successfully checked out.  Failure to properly check out may result in additional costs and fines issued to the student’s account.
  • Students needing to stay on campus beyond the scheduled move-out date will need to contact the Office of Residence Life via email to  Only under certain circumstances will be allowed and additional costs may be charged to the student account for the extended stay.

Summer Housing

  • Summer housing is offered for students taking summer courses, involved in research, or employed by the University of Pikeville. Meal plans are not available during the summer. However, when the cafeteria is open students can purchase meals at the register.  Information regarding Summer Housing will be released two weeks prior to the conclusion of the Academic Year, with the information regarding the End of the Academic Year Closing.  There is limited housing available during the Summer Terms and additional costs will be charged to the student’s account for the time they are registered to live on-campus.  Additional guidelines and requirements will be available at the time of the registration period.
  • Each year, the Office of Residence Life determines the location for summer student housing. If you are currently on campus for the Spring Term and plan to be living on campus for the May term, you can transition directly into your summer housing assignment. Likewise, if you are on campus for the Summer II Term and will be living on campus for the Fall Term, you may transition directly into your fall housing assignment when that time approaches. 
    The Director of Residence Life will contact you with a specific timeline for your move between spring, summer, and fall assignments. As a resident, you must abide by this timeline. When possible, the Office of Residence Life will make every effort to assign summer housing to prevent multiple moves; however, this cannot be guaranteed.