Student Handbook

Student Handbook Introduction
The following document provides our student community with: a) the notice of non-discrimination; b) our inclement weather plan; c) information regarding how to file a grievance; d) information regarding the services available to our students; and e) information on how to become engaged within the campus community.
Student Code of Conduct
The following document outlines the violations of the Student Code of Conduct standards. In order to create an environment whereby students can live safely, succeed academically, and develop skills for their future, the University relies upon students to know and adhere to standards of behavior guided by university policies as well as local, state, and federal laws. Please read this document carefully and if you have any clarifying questions, please contact a member of the Student Affairs professional team.
Student Conduct Process
The following document: a) introduces our students to the student conduct process; b) describes FERPA and how it interacts within Student Affairs and the greater campus; c) outlines the Rights and Responsibilities of our students; d) the student conduct level system; and e) student conduct case resolution.
Residential Living Guidelines
The following document outlines: a) the structure of the office of residence life; b) time-frame for when the students may occupy the residence halls; c) how to request to live off campus; d) services provided to our residential students; and e) the rules and regulations for residential students.